144 research outputs found


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    Remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari anak-anak menuju dewasa dan memiliki kerentanan terhadap masalah kesehatan reproduksi. Perilaku berisiko pada anak remaja dapat berakibat pada pernikahan dini, kehamilan tidak diharapkan, tindakan kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual, aborsi tidak aman, dan risiko tertular infeksi menular seksual (IMS) termasuk Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Orang tua memiliki peran signifikan dalam masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, serta dalam perilaku anak mereka menghadapi pubertas. Maka penting bagi orang tua untuk membangun komunikasi dengan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan komunikasi orang tua dan anak remajanya mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual remaja. Desain yang digunakan adalah literature review dengan pencarian artikel berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2015 hingga 2021. Kriteria inklusi dari studi ini adalah studi primer secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, orang tua yang memiliki anak usia remaja (10 – 24 tahun), dan orang tua tinggal bersama dengan anak remajanya. Sebanyak 7 jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi mendapati orang tua masih terbatas dalam membahas topik terkait seksualitas dengan anak remaja. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya pengetahuan, keterampilan komunikasi, anggapan tabu, serta perasaan malu membahas topik tersebut dengan anak mereka. Pemahaman dan komunikasi yang baik antara orang tua dengan remaja dapan menolong menolong anak remaja memiliki pemahaman yang benar juga mengenai tubuh mereka dan mengurangi perilaku yang berisiko

    Integrated Production-Distribution Planning with Considering Preventive Maintenance

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    The preventive maintenance activity is important thing in production system especially for a continuous production process, for example in fertilizer industry. Therefore, it has to be considered in production-distribution planning. This paper considers the interval of production facility’s preventive maintenance in production-distribution planning of multi echelon supply chain system which consists of a manufacturer with a continuous production process, a distribution center, a number of distributors and a number of retailers. The problem address in this paper is how to determine coordinated productiondistribution policies that considers the interval of production facility’s preventive maintenance, and customer demand only occurred at retailers and it fluctuates by time. Based on model of Santoso, et al. (2007), using the periodic review inventory model and a coordinated production and replenishment policies that are decided by central planning office and it must be obeyed by all entities of multi-echelon supply chain, the integrated production-distribution planning model is developed to determine the production and replenishment policies of all echelon in the supply chain system in order to minimize total system cost during planning horizon. Total system cost consists of set-up/ordering cost, maintenance cost, holding cost, outsourcing cost and transportation cost at all of entities. With considering preventive maintenance and there is one production run over the planning horizon, the replenishment cycle at distribution center, distributors and retailers that are found out are greater than the basic model. Also, the multiplication of replenishment cycle at distribution center in production cycle that is found out is greater than the basic model but the multiplication of replenishment cycle at retailers in its distributor are smaller than the basic model


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    The purpose of this study was to observe how the influence of brand ambassadors, korean waves, and promotions on student buying interest in Nature Republic products. This research is quantitative research. The population of this study were Management Study Program students class of 2020 at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University, totaling 158 students. The sample size of this study was 61 which was determined using the Slovin formula. The sampling method used accidental sampling. The data analysis method used is multiple linear analysis. The results of this study indicate that korean wave and promotion have a significant effect on buying interest in Nature Republic products. Another finding is that brand ambassadors have no significant effect on students' buying interest in Nature Republic beauty products.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati bagaimana pengaruh brand ambassador, korean wave, dan promosi terhadap minat beli mahasiswa pada produk Nature Republic. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen angkatan 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo yang berjumlah 158 mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini adalah 61 yang ditentukan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa korean wave dan promosi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli produk Nature Republic. Temuan lain adalah brand ambassador tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli mahasiswa terhadap produk kecantikan Nature Republic

    Prediksi Genre Film Dengan Klasifikasi Multi Kelas Sinopsis Menggunakan Jaringan LSTM

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    Sinopsis film menyajikan informasi penting mengenai alur cerita dan tema yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi genre film. Namun, memprediksi genre film secara manual dengan melihat sinopsis terlebih dahulu dapat menjadikannya kurang efektif karena sinopsis yang panjang dan sangat bervariasi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya pendekatan otomatis dengan menggunakan teknik klasifikasi multi kelas dengan jaringan LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) untuk memprediksi genre film berdasarkan sinopsisnya guna memberikan kontribusi yang bermanfaat dalam industri perfilman. Penelitian ini menggunakan jaringan LSTM untuk klasifikasi multi kelas untuk memprediksi genre film dengan dataset yang diambil dari situs Kaggle yang terdiri dari berbagai sinopsis film dengan genre yang berbeda-beda. Setelah itu, sinopsis film tersebut diolah melalui proses tokenisasi, vektorisasi, embedding kata menggunakan NLP (Natural Language Processing). Hasil pengujian terhadap dataset dengan menggunakan metode klasifikasi multi kelas dengan jaringan LSTM mampu mencapai tingkat akurasi 98% dan loss 5% dalam memprediksi genre film berdasarkan sinopsi

    Design and Analysis of a Double Lead Screw Household Trash Compactor Using a Static Simulation

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    Waste is a serious problem, especially household waste. Therefore, an idea was developed to overcome the existing household waste problem in the form of a trash compactor. This research proposes on designing the trash compactor using a double lead screw mechanism. The trash compactor uses an electric motor for its driving force and a set of gearbox for speed reduction. The trash compactor was designed, modelled, and simulated by using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2022. The simulation is based on a static simulation. The results show that the design of lead screw, frame, and ram size has overcome the 20000N of trash compactor capacity are according to the material strength and displacement for each components with safety factor more than 1.4. The trash compactor has a total capacity of 245.76 liter

    Improving delivery roules using combined heuristic and optimization in consumer goods distribution company

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    XYZ is a distributor of various consumer goods products. The company plan s its delivery routes daily and in order to obtain route construction in a short amount of time, it simplifies the process by assigning drivers based on geographic regions. This approach results in inefficient use of vehicles leading to imbalance workloads. In this paper, we propose a combined method involving heuristic and optimization to obtain better solutions in acceptable computation time. The heuristic is based on a time-oriented, nearest neighbor (TONN) to form clusters if the number of locations is higher than a certain value. The optimization part uses a mathematical modeling formulation based on vehicle routing problem that consider s heterogeneous vehicles, time windows, and fixed costs (HVRPTWF) and is used to solve routing problem in clusters. A case study using data from one month of the company’s operations is analyzed, and data from one day of operations are detailed in this paper. The analysis shows that the proposed method results in 24% cost savings on that month, but it can be as high as 54% in a day


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    X Company is a company engaged in retail sector, has more than 20 distribution center which supply throughout Indonesia. There are six main activities in the distribution center, i.e., receiving, putaway, storage, order picking, issuing and return. Distribution center has important role to supply the goods to the retail stores and because of the important role. Performance measurement in distribution center needs to be developed by considering the activities in the distribution center to make a more detailed and thorough evaluation. Based on the result of the performance measurement in X Company distribution center from January 2016 to June 2016, found the average performance of 2,518 in the range 4 that considered good, but there are indicators that have lower value, gap analysis and IPA (importance-performance analysis) is used to determine the priority for performance measurement improvement and priority proposals are made with the help of HOQ (House of Quality) to obtain the proposed improvement priorities


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    This paper is discussing about PT. XYZ shoes warehouse performance improvement. Performance improvement start from measuring company performance using “scorecard”. Scorecard design is used for performance improvement using 3 perspectives including: receiving, storage, and order picking. Performance criteria for all perspectives (WKPI) are designed with measuring the productivity aspect, time, utility and quality. Improvement is done using the scale of priority that measured using importance performance analysis. The Improvements that suggested are including giving sign for items on each blocks, raw material warehouse layout improvement, create raw material checking form, material handling operator certification and raw material warehouse operator evaluation


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    This paper is discussing about PT. XYZ shoes warehouse performance improvement. Performance improvement start from measuring company performance using “scorecard”. Scorecard design is used for performance improvement using 3 perspectives including: receiving, storage, and order picking. Performance criteria for all perspectives (WKPI) are designed with measuring the productivity aspect, time, utility and quality. Improvement is done using the scale of priority that measured using importance performance analysis. The Improvements that suggested are including giving sign for items on each blocks, raw material warehouse layout improvement, create raw material checking form, material handling operator certification and raw material warehouse operator evaluation


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    X Company is a company engaged in retail sector, has more than 20 distribution center which supply throughout Indonesia. There are six main activities in the distribution center, i.e., receiving, putaway, storage, order picking, issuing and return. Distribution center has important role to supply the goods to the retail stores and because of the important role. Performance measurement in distribution center needs to be developed by considering the activities in the distribution center to make a more detailed and thorough evaluation. Based on the result of the performance measurement in X Company distribution center from January 2016 to June 2016, found the average performance of 2,518 in the range 4 that considered good, but there are indicators that have lower value, gap analysis and IPA (importance-performance analysis) is used to determine the priority for performance measurement improvement and priority proposals are made with the help of HOQ (House of Quality) to obtain the proposed improvement priorities